
Street photography and the laws relating to taking pictures of people and places on the streets

Inside the picture

A rapid change in working practices could signal that the character of our towns and cities could soon change for ever

Inside the picture

Lee Friedlander’s pictures give us simple things but in a very personal way. We look at his relationship with the American landscape and the car

Inside the picture

The first in a series of articles looking at photographs and examining how they came about and the techniques used in creating them


Learn how to shoot your own high-contrast street pictures

The vibrancy and energy that working people bring to our cities is the reason they are so thriving and prosperous.


Louis Stettner created thousands of images in his career, but I wonder how
many of you are familiar with his work?


Fascinating examples of street photography as cover art



Read the latest about photography
and the creative view

Jacques Tati’s Play Time is
the most sublime inspiration
for street photographers

Some of the best locations for capturing great urban images.


How Apple’s TV series Severance can inspire your street photography

